For anyone who did not have the pleasure of hearing Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk from the General Relief Society Meeting this past weekend I highly recommend that you click on the following link. "Forget Me Not" President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
In his talk I felt that President Uchtdorf spoke directly into my soul and because of that I have been turning his words over in my head all week long. The biggest subject on my mind has been being patient with myself. Long term goals are not going to be realized all at once. I need to find happiness in the progress I make towards my goals every day. I have found that too often I am putting myself down for not yet being where I want to be rather than looking at how far I have come since I decided to change. This is something that has been on my mind for a while now, but I didn't have any idea how to make it better. Then these words spoke right to my heart. "God wants to help us to eventually turn all our weakness into strengths, but he knows this is a long term goal... [your] successes may seem tiny to you and they may go unnoticed by others, but God notices them and they are not small to him."
And that is when I decided I want to start recording my "little victories" of every day.
I now have a little notebook I have been keeping in my purse that I have officially set apart to document my little victories. My long term goals are written on the back pages and I have the whole book to get closer to them. So far my entries range from finally writing the letter to my friend in the Army that I have been meaning to get out for weeks to organizing my bills to hearing that one of my patients has actually learned from the asthma class I teach and was able to wake her dad up when she was having an asthma attack the other night and tell him exactly what she needed to come out of it.
Honestly I have already started to notice a major difference in my day as I write these little victories down. They give me even more reason to smile.