As you can see over there to the side, one of my goals for 2011 is to make time to read for pleasure. I have always loved reading and usually when I start a book you can expect me to disappear until I have finished it. But that hasn't happened in a long time... until Tuesday.
Tuesday night my sister handed me "The Hunger Games" and told me I should read it.Thursday morning I emerged from my bedroom just long enough to go to hers and trade her for the second book "Catching Fire."
Sadly shortly afterward I had to resume my responsible adult life so I am only about 100 pages in, but WOAH. I had forgotten how much I love a good book, how easily I transport myself into their world, and how fast time passes when you are completely enthralled.
If you haven't read "The Hunger Games" you totally should. There is one important thing to remember though: there is no need to starve yourself just because you are reading about hunger games. Take a break, or eat while you read, but please, read responsibly :)
haha well thanks for the tip! I was wondering if I should read it since its the new big thing... sounds like I need to hot the library!