Sunday, February 27, 2011

I need some HOT STUFF!

This post is long overdue! I was going to wait until I could upload the pics from Ephraim's camera, but he is MIA and i couldn't wait any longer, so I will add them in when I get them.

Last weekend was the best weekend I have had in ages!

Garrett, Sallie, Ephraim and I have been plotting and planning Operation Bill-nap for quite a while, and we finally found the perfect opportunity. Friday morning Ephraim and I went over to the Tryon's house to get Bill and take him out to lunch. As we were leaving I instructed Bill to grab an extra pair of clothes and some insulin. He obeyed, but had no idea what we were actually going to do... hehe. So we got in the car and started driving.

About an hour and a half later we stopped in Jacksboro at a Subway to get lunch - and that is when Bill finally realized that lunch was not the only thing we had planned. But to his credit, once he figured that out he easily came to the conclusion that we were going to Lubbock to see Garrett and Sallie!!

When we got there to Lubbock we went to an activity at the institute where we were introduced to the game Just Dance. Then there was no turning back! We all went to Wal-Mart as soon as it was over, bought the game, and then spent ALL NIGHT laughing as we played and watched each other play Just Dance... as soon as we woke up the next morning we got right back to it ;)

The whole weekend was just amazing! I have the best friends in the entire world and I wish we could do that all the time. Hopefully the next road trip wont be far in the future! I LOVE YOU GARRETT AND SALLIE!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Get a job! Sha-da-da-da! Sha-da-da-da-da!!!!

I don't know if you knew, but finding a job can be hard work. 

Even when you have a degree (or two!) and experience in your field.

I moved down here thinking "I am totally set! I'll be working in no time!" 
But after applying to approximately twenty-five-hundred-thousand-MILLION-and-eighteen hospitals and coming back empty handed I had changed my tune a little.

However, I am not here to throw myself a pity party. 

I am in fact here to announce that I GOT A JOB!!!!!

I will be working at 
Cook Children's Morris Foundation Center 
for Innovation in Children's Health Care! 
(Which is quite a mouthful if you ask me. I hope I don't have to say all that when I answer the phone. Especially because I will probably be doing that in Spanish.)

The job should be awesome and I am sure I will LOVE it! I will be doing everything from phone triage to house visits in both English and Spanish and I am sure things will get a little crazy here and there, but I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I can't wait to work with those sweet little ones and help make them feel better :) Being a nurse is the best!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Hunger Games

As you can see over there to the side, one of my goals for 2011 is to make time to read for pleasure. I have always loved reading and usually when I start a book you can expect me to disappear until I have finished it. But that hasn't happened in a long time... until Tuesday.

Tuesday night my sister handed me "The Hunger Games" and told me I should read it.Thursday morning I emerged from my bedroom just long enough to go to hers and trade her for the second book "Catching Fire." 
Sadly shortly afterward I had to resume my responsible adult life so I am only about 100 pages in, but WOAH. I had forgotten how much I love a good book, how easily I transport myself into their world, and how fast time passes when you are completely enthralled.
If you haven't read "The Hunger Games" you totally should. There is one important thing to remember though: there is no need to starve yourself just because you are reading about hunger games. Take a break, or eat while you read, but please, read responsibly :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

POND. Vallie Pond.

This weekend my brother's girlfriend came to Texas for her birthday. 
This was her first time in Texas which meant that we needed to show her a little bit of what Texas really is. 
As far as I'm concerned,there is not much that says Texas or South better than FRIED CHICKEN.
So we took her to Babe's!

On the drive we interrogated her with questions that would help us to truly see her character such as:
1. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
2. If you were an assassin, what would your name and weapon be?
3. At five years old, what was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?

These questions were very carefully chosen in order to determine whether she and Ephraim were a good fit...
(Bill, me, Sallie, and Garrett - AKA, the interrogators)

but based on her answers we collectively decided that we liked her and that she would make a good addition to our tight knit group of friends that have been together for over 20 years. (That is, if she wants to be a part of this... which is still to be determined)

When we made it to Babe's, I think she knew we would embarrass her by having the waitresses sing to her... But I don't think she expected having to 
dance like a chicken while wearing a chicken hat!!!
(Ephraim was very surprised to see Vallie as a chicken)

Once our bellies were more than stuffed, we had laughed excessively and danced the Hokey Pokey (cause that's what it's all about) we were ready to leave. Our great waitress made a few final comments about how cute it was that Eph had brought his girl all the way from Idaho and how great that they were going to get married (do you think she knows something we don't?) and then we headed out the door.

Bill and Garrett "figure skated" in the parking lot at Target while Al and Jen got some last minute necessities and then we spent the rest of the night playing Poo-head and leg wrestling at their house. 

I just have to say, I have the best friends EVER. 

So... Vallie!! (Or should I say, Night Hawk?!) Welcome to Texas and welcome to the FATS!!! 
I hope you had as much fun as I did!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Early Tuesday morning it started to snow, 
and in Texas a half inch of snow pretty much freezes time :)
But sadly it was WAY too cold to be playing out there :(
So after watching a ton of movies, 
drinking hot chocolate by the fire,
and otherwise just relaxing,
I decided to let my creative side have a go!
The awesome apron I am sporting in this picture was the brilliant outcome:
I fell in love the moment I put it on! 
Now I am contemplating starting my own cooking show... 
Can you imagine the tasty wonders I could create while wearing this apron??